Technical Support

Are you a Winkhaus customer? Are you a dealer, distributor, door and/or window fabricator or an aluminium system house? Do you require support or assistance with your Winkhaus products? Alongside other services provided by us, we have a dedicated Technical Support team that can support you during your fabrication process, with any technical queries about our products, bespoke development or provide training on the production of Fire Doors that are manufactured using a Winkhaus specification.

Are you an end user or homeowner?

If you’re having any problems or issues with your door or window locking systems, please contact your doorset manufacturer or installer. If you’re unsure about who your door manufacturer or installer may be, you can contact a dealer local to you who will be able to support you with your product enquiry. To make it easier for you to find a dealer local to you, use our dedicated dealer locator.

Get in touch!

If you’re a Winkhaus customer and require some assistance from our Technical Support team, get in touch with us today:

Technical Support
+44 (0)1536 316000